The Battle of Sol Legare

For the past year I have been photographing the sea island community of Sol Legare and the surrounding periphery.

For the past year I have been photographing the sea island community of Sol Legare and the surrounding periphery. Sol Legare is a barrier island south of Charleston, SC that is historically significant as being the first battle site of the famed 54th regiment from Massachusetts during the Civil War. Today Sol Legare inhabits a small Gullah/Geechee community, most of who are descendants of former slaves who settled the land after the war ended in 1865. These members have been bound by familial legacy, cultural heritage, and a steadfast love for the surrounding land and environment. Modern culture has slowly crept into the community from both inside and outside sources. The land that was once deemed not suitable for living, because of it low lying geography, is now some of the most expensive land in Charleston County. The elders who were predominately seaside farmers and fisherman are at odds with a younger generation that are seeking a more Americanized lifestyle. This rich history combined with the poignant modern struggle has been the driving force behind these photographs.

The Battle of Sol Legare by John Hathaway

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