When The Sun Hits

Our ability to reveal aspects of the physical world that our eyes cannot perceive is the line between the real and the imaginary. These unseen forces slowly seep into our curiosities, leaving us to question our existence. Are we alone in the universe?

The camera can amplify a detail otherwise invisible to the naked eye. Photographic technologies shape our perception of the natural world, just as they can distract us from reality and potentially obstruct our direct experience. Whether they are put to the service of scientific investigation, historical documentation, or artistic expression, photographs are tools for exploring the world. I am fascinated by paranormal events beyond our scope of ordinary scientific understanding. My impulse to capture and participate in paranormal research is attributed to my father's interest in ghost hunting and Ufology. One morning, my father woke up and experienced sudden memory loss. After several doctor visits with multiple tests, they could not confirm a diagnosis. My mother turned to me and joked and said that the ancient aliens abducted his brain. I laughed out loud at this thought because my father is a huge fan of ancient aliens. She could be right, or she could be wrong. I want to believe that the truth is out there on a small cloud in the distance, waving at me.I am interested in a photograph's ability to capture a reality adjacent to ours. What makes a picture supernatural, or simply an optical illusion, or both? Our ability to reveal aspects of the physical world that our eyes cannot perceive is the line between the real and the imaginary. These unseen forces slowly seep into our curiosities, leaving us to question our existence. As I move between these two worlds, I have gathered stories from individuals who have experienced real-life paranormal events. These events are reimagined within my work as a central through line. As I work closely with a paranormal investigator in the UK, we attempt to understand these experiences through parapsychology. Our conversations have informed this ongoing body of work as I attempt to create a language for the paranormal. As I continue my journey, I hope to understand my father's condition while embracing unexpected discoveries that I may encounter during my exploration.

When The Sun Hits by Patricia Voulgaris

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