MACHT LIEBE (“Make Love”, “The Power of Love”) is about love and desire. It is about bodies, desiring and desired bodies, their untameability, tenderness and brutality.


(The German title is ambiguous. It translates as either “make love”, “the power of love” or “power / love” into English.)

 MACHT LIEBE is about love and desire. It is about bodies, desiring and desired bodies, their untameability, tenderness and brutality. It is about power and politics too, about the power wielded by flesh, and the politics embedded in the skin.

 The work invites us to join in an exploration of the interplay between body and identity, and in a subtle but persistent deconstruction of social norms and expectations surrounding the body. The flux of images, tightly edited and sequenced allows questions to gradually form in the reader’s mind: what makes a body beautiful and desirable? What makes a body normal, and who decides when a body falls outside of the norms? How are our identities embedded in our body, and how does our body enable us to perform these identities? How do we desire, and act on these desires?

MACHT LIEBE by Anne Morgenstern

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