
Documenting Venezuela's Resilience & Culture: My project captures the strength and cultural richness of my homeland amid adversity. Celebrating traditions and people's resilience in the face of challenges.

Early this year, during my time in Chuao, a small beach town in the State of Aragua, Venezuela, whilst I was working with the fisherwomen of the area I remember seeing them dressed in colourful and beautiful clothes ready to work in the water, but I also saw worry in their faces as their income to feed their families relays on the catch of the day. These women spent time choosing their outfits, doing their nails, putting make up on to work in the open sea under the sun, carrying heavy nets and fishing. They use their clothes and their beauty as a statement of power and individuality.

Over the past 3 years, my photographic journey in my homeland, Venezuela, has been a testament to resilience and creativity in the face of adversity. This long term project seeks to capture the essence of Venezuela in all its complexity, offering a unique perspective that fuses art, fashion, and surrealism.

As a Venezuelan woman who emigrated at 17, I have returned home every year except in 2020 to document the lives of women, the youth and families. My first photographic exploration of my home country was researching the complexities of being a young Venezuelan immersed in a social, political and economical crisis. For the past three years, I began utilizing fashion and found clothing as tools to articulate a surreal narrative that draws inspiration from the rich tapestry of Latin American culture. My attention has shifted to documenting the beauty and cultural richness that has prevailed in a time of turmoil. By intertwining these elements, I aim to celebrate the multifaceted nature of my country, a place where beauty and chaos coexist. Seeing our traditions kept alive during hardship drove me to document this a as way to preserve it forever, so it is never lost or forgotten.

Over the years of enduring turmoil, numerous cultural traditions and practices have diminished, as people grapple with survival, emigration, providing for their families, and sustaining their livelihoods. In my journeys across six different states, I've observed firsthand how culture becomes a source of resilience and community in the face of surrounding adversity. I've witnessed the unyielding spirit of traditional dances like Joropo, which not only brings joy but also keeps age-old traditions vibrant. Moreover, the nurturing connection to our land, exemplified by the women of Chuao as they tend to the cacao with unwavering dedication, has underscored the significance of safeguarding and cherishing our natural heritage. These remarkable women, despite receiving an income of under 50 dollars a month for their tireless efforts, infuse every step of their cacao processing with love and resilience.

This project is about the strength, passion and culture of my country. Despite the challenges, such as inflation, the lack of opportunities, extreme poverty, political and social injustice, there is an abundance of cultural richness in every corner of the country. From workers, artists and creators who defy the constraints of their circumstances to hardworking individuals who persistently break societal norms, I seek is to celebrate their strength, ingenuity, and resilience. 

It is crucial to continue the documentation of my countries traditions and craft, as they are at risk of fading away as time and the crisis progresses. My intention is to expand my exploration to various regions of Venezuela, including a return to the Llano, Bolivar state, my city Caracas, and a visit to the Orinoco river in Delta Amacuro. This will mark the next chapter of my ongoing project, ultimately culminating in a final exhibition and a book as the project's outcome. My goal is to document my homeland and its traditions with love and care, driven by a deep affection for my people and my country. This is a long-term piece, and while it may take some time to complete, my commitment to thoroughly documenting it remains determined. I plan to return twice a year to document a new chapter each time of this multifaceted project.

In a time when my home country Venezuela faces numerous difficulties, this project serves as a testament to the human capacity to find beauty and meaning amidst adversity. It's a tribute to the heroines who continue to inspire me and pave the way for a brighter future, all while honoring the depth and beauty of Venezuelan culture. Through my work, I hope to offer a new narrative for Venezuela, one that emphasizes the vibrant, creative, and unyielding spirit of its people.

Eufonía by Silvana Trevale

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