
A new way of life

At the age of 16 Baruch chose to leave his Orthodox Jewish community and to study at university. The dramatic and challenging decision forced him to question his identity and future.

Up until then, Baruch had never known life beyond the constraints of his Orthodox community. With his focus entirely on studying the Torah he had no time for distractions and his life was dedicated entirely to the rules of his faith. Every decision was dictated by his parents . He found safety in this inclusive lifestyle but soon became curious of what existed outside of it.

On his 16th birthday Baruch was snuck a life altering podcast. The topic was the science of evolution. The notion ignited his curiosity and he secretly researched further. Soon science and maths seduced him and his desire to study led him to step outside of his mandatory routine and obligations. He rebelled against conforming to the orthodox lifestyle but knew that in many ways he wanted to belong and please his parents.

When I met him in 2019 he danced between two worlds. One, a monochrome Orthodox life built on the values of tradition and community, the other, a limitless world buzzing with technology and exploration. He wanted both. He wore his Jewish identity with pride but craved the freedom to make his own decisions. Most of all he wanted to learn.

Einstein says:

“The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. “

The project explores the universal and relatable choices we make as individuals. Why and how we choose our paths in life, and questions how much control we have and courage we need to change how we live and ultimately who we will become.

Baruch by Laura Pannack

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