Aqui Vivimos

Honduras is equally as beautiful as it is terrifyingly violent.

Honduras is equally as beautiful as it is terrifyingly violent. The tiny country of 8 million is quickly becoming the most violent country in the world. More than 136 people are killed every week. 69 per cent of its population lives in poverty. 2 of 3 workers earn less than the minimum wage ($300 a month), police and soldiers kill civilians with regularity, and gangs dictate law inside prisons and neighborhoods. The government itself is the product of a coup. In a country where the president, arguable the most powerful man in the country, can be ousted, what can the average citizen expect?

The foreign narrative in Honduras has long been that dictated by the American War on Drugs, but equal cause lies in extreme gloves off capitalism, private foreign interest, and the extreme corruption it produces, that leaves the country in a constant state of poverty.

Aqui Vivimos explores these ideas and looks at daily life, the contrast between beauty and horror, and the often-surreal landscapes, and personalities it produces.

Aqui Vivimos by Dominic Bracco Ii

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