We have no dreams

  • Dates
    2016 - 2016
  • Author
  • Topics Contemporary Issues, Documentary, Social Issues
  • Location Nepal, Nepal

The life of a child on the streets of Kathmandu is defined by suffering, violence and exploitation. 'We have no dreams' looks at their daily struggles and explores how those who have made it off the street escaped the cycle and how this can be replicated to help more children escape the streets.

Home; shelter and a safe place. Food. Clean water. Bare necessities for us all?

What above love?

To what extent can we live without any of these things? Where do we draw the line between need and want?

At the edge of a very dusty and dirty make-shift soccer field on the outskirts of eastern Kathmandu a group of children have gathered to play football. A thick, pungent smoke floats over from the cremation grounds and mixes with the haze of dust and pollution that hangs ever present in the Kathmandu atmosphere. More alarmingly though, is the toxic and unmistakable stench of glue; which the kids, locked in a revolving huddle, inhale constantly. It provides relief and escape from the pain of their daily struggles and blunts the pangs of hunger that plague them. When asked what they dream of the reply is ‘We have no dreams’.

The life of a child on the streets of Kathmandu is defined by suffering and violence. Highly vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, they have fallen through the fractured safety net of Nepalese society, which does little or nothing to protect or help them. They are widely misunderstood, much maligned and stigmatised by the vast majority of the population. They are taken advantage of by people in every direction they turn. Those in positions of authority, those posing as people wanting to help them and by the older, stronger, more street-hardened of their peers on the street.

Sexual and physical violence is endemic. They are totally at the mercy of those around them, particularly the younger ones. Weak, mal-nourished and prone to severe mental and physical health problems.

After receiving no aid from the government and being routinely taken advantage of by those claiming to want to help them, it takes a great deal of work with out-reach programmes to gain their trust. Many are caught in a cycle of drop-in centres and then back to the streets. The children choosing to risk the streets, and uncertain food and shelter so that they remain with the other children with whom they receive a form of love

© Heidi Woodman - Image from the We have no dreams photography project

A group of street children from the Pashupatinath area of Kathmandu gather in the corner of an abandoned building to inhale glue. Most children are on the streets after fleeing abuse at home, escaping traffickers or being sold into domestic or commercial slavery by their family. Their numbers have increased exponentially since the devastating earthquake of 25th of April 2015.

© Heidi Woodman - Image from the We have no dreams photography project

Both Suman and Bikram have been on the streets for as long as they can remember. When asked what they dream of they both say 'We have no dreams'.

© Heidi Woodman - Image from the We have no dreams photography project

Danesh. There is a clear hierarchy amongst the children on the street with the older stronger, tougher boys wielding a lot of power and influence over the younger ones.

© Heidi Woodman - Image from the We have no dreams photography project

Is love too much to ask for? Gita, one of the few girls on the street, shows off her tattoos. Most of the children have 'homemade' inkings which they do themselves by puncturing the skin and filling with ink from pens.

© Heidi Woodman - Image from the We have no dreams photography project

'I am maybe 14'. Many of the children are very small for their age due to years of malnutrition. This leaves them extra vulnerable to exploitation and violence.

© Heidi Woodman - Image from the We have no dreams photography project

Binata (left) 17, chats with her sister-in-law as she feeds her young baby. Life on the street is particularly difficult for girls as they are often powerless to resist predators without protection from the strongest and oldest of the boys so many marry and have babies very young.

© Heidi Woodman - Image from the We have no dreams photography project

A sleeping spot for the children at the edge of Pashupatinath temple. Many of the children will share a small but precious mattress.

© Heidi Woodman - A park in Thamale where the boys from the area sleep.

A park in Thamale where the boys from the area sleep.

© Heidi Woodman - Image from the We have no dreams photography project

Children sifting through the remains of a recent cremation as the body of another man is being carried passed them as part of a traditional Hindu cremation ceremony at pashupatinath temple.

© Heidi Woodman - Image from the We have no dreams photography project

Street children enjoy a meal of Dhal Bhat, a nepalese staple, provided by a small local NGO as part of their weekly outreach programme.

© Heidi Woodman - Former street children play football with other local children near their NGO run home in a quiet part of Kathmandu.

Former street children play football with other local children near their NGO run home in a quiet part of Kathmandu.

© Heidi Woodman - Image from the We have no dreams photography project

Raj, saved from the streets by a local NGO when very young gets ready to go on an excursion with other boys from the house he now lives in.

© Heidi Woodman - Image from the We have no dreams photography project

One of the young boys from the house for former street children run by a small NGO. Smiles with joy as he goes swimming for the first time in Pokhara during a special excursion provided by the charity. Now he has big dreams.

We have no dreams by Heidi Woodman

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