
The Project is about the Island.

All the photographs of this project are taken in a little island located in the centre of Italy.

The island under discussion, has an area of 24 hectares and a stable population of about 14 residentials who lives the island all the year.

In 2020 and the beginning of 2021 I’ve made a few trips in the island to investigate the place and it’s inhabitants.

The perception of ‘Time’ I’ve spent on the island took on a different form, it’s as if it dilates and slows down in a suspended atmosphere of waiting: sometimes pleasant, sometimes suffocating.

Historically the concept of island has always confronted a duality of aspects that coexist and oppose at the same time. The painter René Magritte, has represented this duality of the elements present in the imaginary of the myth of the island, in fact the island is the perfect symbol of the concept of ‘lieau outre’ (altrove) in it’s double meaning of ‘ou-topos’, non-place (utopia) and ‘eu-topos’ place of the happiness

At the beginning my intent with photography was to investigate the island as a documentation of an isolated place during this particular period where the word ‘Isolation’ has taken only a negative sense of deprivation of freedom. Later, the project turned in something more intimate, a personal relationship between me, time, and the concept of island.

Untitled by Simone Padelli

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