Two Conversations About the Same Thing

  • Dates
    2020 - 2021
  • Author
  • Location Los Angeles, United States

In truth, these photographs are only half of this project.

At the onset of the pandemic last year, I was having a particularly difficult time even though I was in the safety of my own home. Meanwhile, my wife, who is as a nurse specializing in geriatric care, worked tirelessly for months on end. I became aware of the ways in which we each expressed our stress. My partner finds solace in verbalizing her frustrations and everyday experiences, often through text messages, while I internalize my anxieties.

To make sense of my feelings I began walking with my camera pointed at the world around me. Unintentionally, I ended up with the images from everyday life during the tumultuous past year. My visual vocabulary avoids dramatization and often I redirect through humor as a coping mechanism. Of course when you look closely there is ephemera existing on the peripheries dating this work.

During this time, we realized that we my wife was pregnant. Upon finding this out, I began to see a change how I perceive the world, leaning toward optimism for our daughter's future. When text and image are combined these interweaving narratives create Two Conversations About the Same Thing.

The full working pdf can be found here:

Two Conversations About the Same Thing by Fred Mitchell

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