They found softness with my son

When I gave birth to my son, I saw another side of my Father, my Brothers, my Father-in-Law and my Husband. There was a profound discovery of softness that I bore witness too with the men in my life.

They say a mother's last true love is found with a son. The bond I have with my son is unlike anything I've ever experienced. I have my mother but besides that I am surrounded by men in my family. My dad, father-in-law, two brothers, my husband and now my son. As excited as I was to have a boy, I couldn't wait to see how my husband would be with him. The amount of softness he gave to our son was profound. And then I watched how my own father quietly cared for my son, it was like they had their own language together. My son will be a better man with the amount of love he has received from the men in my life. I know men can be soft and vulnerable and playful and patient because I have bore witness to it with their interactions with my son. Their softness is healing for me who carried this boy for 9 months and then delivered him through beauty and trauma.

They found softness with my son by Alexandra Nielsen

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