The Turkic Wolf

  • Dates
    2017 - Ongoing
  • Author
  • Topics Daily Life, Contemporary Issues, Documentary
  • Location Găgăuzia, Moldova

A self-trained documentary photographer focusing on East Europe and Ex-Soviet Union Countries. He started as a photographer after working for long a time with MSF as a biologist. Photography for Alessandro is the link between those who have a story to tell and those willing to hear it.

Gagauzia (Gagauz Yeri) is a tiny autonomous region inside the Republic of Moldova. The identity of Gagauzian people has been forged out of two apparently opposed elements: they are in fact a Christian Orthodox people of Turkic origin, symbolized by a wolf, with a language that is closely related to all known Turkic idioms.

Although the similarities with Moldovans exceed the differences, in 1991 the Gagauz leaders declared in Comrat (capital city of the region) the independence from Moldova. Gagauzians manage to obtain the autonomy status instead of full sovereignty on one condition: they will have the right to decide their own destiny if Moldova becomes a part of Romania.

After more than 26 years of Moldova’s independence and 23 years of Gagauz Yeri’s autonomy, the state of things and spirits has not changed much. Kremlin’s propaganda is keeping the animosity alive – the Russian TV is by far the most popular and trusted source in Gagauzia. Keen to preserve their identity against Moldovans, the Gagauzians are widely open towards Russian Soviet influence: now the majority of Gagauzians would rather prefer the Russian than their native language.

In the recent years, since the Crimea and Donbass events, regions like Gagauzia returned into the world’s press limelight. Despite the increased international attention and twisted geopolitical moves made in the name of Gagauzia its people are continuing to live their usual conservative lives. When you arrive in Gagauzia it is surprising to find the same lifestyle as that of our grandfathers, the Europe as it was before the urban civilization. Gagauzia is where Europe could have happened, but didn’t, it is a relic of the Soviet past, a past well-forgotten but not extinct.

© Alessandro Vincenzi - Image from the The Turkic Wolf photography project

Moldova. Comrat, Gagauzia - November 2017 Some workers are setting the signal indicating the entry into the territory of the Autonomous Region Gagauz Yeri. Every year, before the wine day, probably the most famous celebration in Gagauzia, all infrastructures are adjusted.

© Alessandro Vincenzi - Image from the The Turkic Wolf photography project

Moldova. Comrat, Gagauzia - November 2017 House of culture in Comrat, the capital of Gagauzia. Boys and girls doing rehearsals for the opening ballet of the Wine Day Festival that will be held on November 5th.

© Alessandro Vincenzi - Image from the The Turkic Wolf photography project

Moldova. Comrat, Gagauzia - November 2017 Vlad at the boxing gymnasium in the first outskirts of Comrat, where during a week several boxing schools coming from all across the country, including Trasnistria and Gagauzia, gather together for special training.

© Alessandro Vincenzi - Image from the The Turkic Wolf photography project

Moldova. Comrat, Gagauzia - July 2017 Sunday service at the Christian Orthodox Cathedral of Saint John in Comrat. Some women are waiting for the priest to arrive to receive his blessing in honor of their deceased ones. Some women bring food and goods too.

© Alessandro Vincenzi - Image from the The Turkic Wolf photography project

Moldova. Beshalma, Gagauzia - July 2017 What remains of a football field seen from the old dressing rooms, now in ruins. A group of kids before starting a football match. Beshalma is considered as the cultural center of Gagauzia for the presence of an Ethnographic Museum on the Gagauzain tradition founded in 1966 by Dimitry Cara-Ciobanu.

© Alessandro Vincenzi - Image from the The Turkic Wolf photography project

Moldova. Ceadir Lunga, Gagauzia - November 2017 Anastasia, 8, at the end of her ballet class. Sport in general, art and music are taken very seriously as heritage of the old USSR when those activities were part of normal and daily life of kids.

© Alessandro Vincenzi - Image from the The Turkic Wolf photography project

Moldova. Comrat, Gagauzia - November 2017 The entrance at the cinema in the House of Culture in Comrat. The woman is keeping the doors closed and is taking care that nobody get in before everything it's ready for the presentation of the first Gagauzian movie in Gagauz language.

© Alessandro Vincenzi - Image from the The Turkic Wolf photography project

Moldova. Chirsova, Gagauzia - July 2017 Irina, 23, at the groom house with some friends taking a brake while waiting for the rest of the guests to arrive for carry on with the celebrations.

© Alessandro Vincenzi - Image from the The Turkic Wolf photography project

Moldova. Avdarma, Gagauzia - July 2017 Brand new pastry in the village of Avdarma, place where in 2011 opened the first museum about Gagauz culture and history.

© Alessandro Vincenzi - Moldova. Beshalma, Gagauzia - July 2017Three men after a bath in the lake wait to dry before leaving with their bike.

Moldova. Beshalma, Gagauzia - July 2017 Three men after a bath in the lake wait to dry before leaving with their bike.

© Alessandro Vincenzi - Image from the The Turkic Wolf photography project

Moldova. Comrat, Gagauzia - November 2017 Wrestling gym in Comrat city center where people from all different ages used to train. Wrestling is a common sport among Gagauz people as they belong to Turkic tribes. It is a tradition that passes from parents to children.

© Alessandro Vincenzi - Moldova. Comrat, Gagauzia - November 2017Bus stop at the outskirts of Comrat.

Moldova. Comrat, Gagauzia - November 2017 Bus stop at the outskirts of Comrat.

© Alessandro Vincenzi - Moldova. Beshalma, Gagauzia - July 2017A man under heavy rain is trying to direct his geese to their home.

Moldova. Beshalma, Gagauzia - July 2017 A man under heavy rain is trying to direct his geese to their home.

© Alessandro Vincenzi - Image from the The Turkic Wolf photography project

Moldova. Comrat, Gagauzia - July 2017 Stepan, holding the Gagauzian flag, is the leader of Yeni Gagauzia, a youth association promoting the independence of the autonomous region. The association count with 60 people on the directive board and more than 2000 subscribers.

© Alessandro Vincenzi - Image from the The Turkic Wolf photography project

Moldova. Ceadir Lunga, Gagauzia - November 2017 Warehouse prepared to feed 1300 people during the occasion of the Gagauz national holiday Kasym and the Orthodox day of memory of the Holy Great Martyr Dmitry Solunsky in Ceadir Lunga.

© Alessandro Vincenzi - Image from the The Turkic Wolf photography project

Moldova. Ceadir Lunga, Gagauzia - July 2017 Ceadir Lung Aerodrome which was closed 15 years ago following a plain crash. Nicolai, 67, has been working at the aerodrome for the last 30 years as a guard.

© Alessandro Vincenzi - Image from the The Turkic Wolf photography project

Moldova. Ceadir Lunga, Gagauzia - November 2017 Monument symbolising the woman's work and the relationship that the Gagauzian culture has with grapes and wine.

© Alessandro Vincenzi - Image from the The Turkic Wolf photography project

Moldova. Comrat, Gagauzia - November 2017 Gagauz language class at the Comrat Regional Lyceum G. A. Gaidarji. Gagauz language is a Turkic language spoken by Gagauz people in Moldova and it os the official language of the Autonomous Region of Gagauzia.

© Alessandro Vincenzi - Image from the The Turkic Wolf photography project

Moldova. Ceadir Lunga, Gagauzia - July 2017 Bust of Lenin at the entrance of the administrative building in the city center of Ceadir Lunga. Gagauzia is an autonomous region which, unlike the rest of Moldova, is still related to post-Soviet culture rather than to the European one.

© Alessandro Vincenzi - Image from the The Turkic Wolf photography project

Moldova. Beshalma, Gagauzia - July 2017 Vadim is playing with a german shepherd using a sheepskin. Occasionally Vadim helps adults in several jobs to earn a few cents with which he buys sweets.

The Turkic Wolf by Alessandro Vincenzi

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