The Thin Red And White Line

  • Dates
    2023 - Ongoing
  • Author
  • Topics Daily Life, Documentary, Landscape, Nature & Environment
  • Location Riga, Latvia

Pictures taken during this project show the red-and-white tape on buildings, in the streets, and in parks. They demonstrate how this tape changes how we see the city, making us think about its troubled state.

Riga, Latvia's capital, is a city known for its beautiful architecture, but it's facing tough times. Many buildings are deteriorating and pavements and roads are falling apart due to neglect.

During the long, bleak winters, another sad symbol of this decline appears - when there is a danger of snow or icicles falling from roofs, people mark the hazard areas with red and white plastic barrier tape. Without any clear rules or coherence. This tape then hangs for a long time, torn and swaying in the wind, giving the city a disorderly look.

This red and white tape reminds everyone of the city's problems and makes its flaws even more obvious. It obstructs passage, pollutes green areas, damages the appearance of historic buildings and emphasises the city's imperfections. It points out where the city needs attention and care.

On the other hand, there is here a demonstration of people's ingenuity or imagination when applying this tape. What were they thinking at that moment? Did they find it amusing, strange or even beautiful?

This project gives us a new way to look at Riga, urging us to face the disorder and think about how to make this city look better and more organized.

The Thin Red And White Line by Igor Trepeshchenok

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