The Emma

A nomadic lifestyle on sailboat Emma. This project is about children growing up in a relatively secluded yet loving world. It is an environment in which children are placed by the choices made by parents, and where they must find their place.

The lives of Julie, Sep, and Tijn unfold on sailboat Emma. They have been living on the boat for over a year. They have sailed numerous (nighttime) miles at sea, and in the coming years, they will venture further across the world. Living together in tight quarters allows for imagination and a curiosity about the endless outside world.

As a mother I was worried whether this nomadic lifestyle is the right choice for my children. However, as I followed them within this intimate bubble, I discovered the natural way in which children embrace life as it is. The boundaries, which are certainly not always easy, also provide security, freedom, and the opportunity to create their own world.

The Emma by Lieke van der Heide

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