The Conversation

My photographic practice is rooted within portraiture and concerned with human behaviour, identity, communication, exchange and interaction. Participation and collaborative possibilities are vital to my process. Works are an exploration and observation of how people co-exist, relate to and interact with each other, and the various environments they inhabit. I use photography as a tool to articulate experiences about our lives, how we live them and how we choose to represent ourselves. I build connections across communities, societies and cultures. I aim to create thoughtful and playful photographic works, that come into being through social interaction.

The Conversation is a developing portraiture project with women in Mexico and the UK. An exchange considering gesture and communication through photography. I want to see the ways in which photographic portraiture can start conversations, encourage visual and verbal exchange and share subtle narratives between women in different countries and cultures.

Earlier in 2019 I started The Conversation with women in Guadalajara, Mexico. We began by discussing questions developed by women in the UK. The questions revolved around forms of change, and their emotional and physical attachments. During my time in Mexico I worked with 23 women to consider these questions. We made portraits together as subtle narratives in response and discussed a series of questions for the next stage of The Conversation. I want to develop methodologies for both tactile and digital ways to share and exchange the portraits which enhances the potential for The Conversation to develop internationally. Here portraiture, gesture and subtle forms of performance using the camera can become a way to create communication between us and the wider community. The bursary would support research, development and creation of the work in the UK and Mexico and also widening the demographic of the participants. I plan to have mentoring sessions with Francesca Genovese of Francesca Maffeo Gallery, portfolio reviews and meetings in Mexico and the UK, along with a trip to Arles photo festival to build networks and create collaborative possibilities. Now is a vital time for a creative step change in my career for both an intense period of making and ways to share and disseminate the work.

© Marysa Dowling - Isabella, The Conversation, Mexico 2019

Isabella, The Conversation, Mexico 2019

© Marysa Dowling - Brenda & Maj, The Conversation, Mexico 2019

Brenda & Maj, The Conversation, Mexico 2019

© Marysa Dowling - The Conversation, Mexico 2019

The Conversation, Mexico 2019

© Marysa Dowling - Alexia, The Conversation, Mexico 2019

Alexia, The Conversation, Mexico 2019

© Marysa Dowling - Paula, The Conversation, Mexico 2019

Paula, The Conversation, Mexico 2019

© Marysa Dowling - Andrea, The Conversation, Mexico 2019

Andrea, The Conversation, Mexico 2019

© Marysa Dowling - The Conversation, Mexico 2019

The Conversation, Mexico 2019

© Marysa Dowling - Mariana, The Conversation, Mexico 2019

Mariana, The Conversation, Mexico 2019

The Conversation by Marysa Dowling

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