Run boy run

The world of horse racing in Italy has suffered a strong decline in recent years mainly caused by the lack of useful and necessary funds for its livelihood (once largely guaranteed by private funding). The races in the 80s and 90s were the fulcrum of popular entertainment in most of the South, the "Paolo VI" hippodrome (in the Taranto hinterland in Puglia) has maintained a considerable importance in the international equestrian scene: horses and stables of immense value come from all over the world to compete and foment fans during fairs and races.

Currently, horse racing pours into bad waters and it constantly tries to re-emerge even if the attention paid to it currently is not at all comparable to those that fed it so much in the years of its maximum splendor. This project aims to show the crumbs and the "behind the scenes" of a reality which is in danger of disappearing but however stands on the verge of oblivion thanks to the love and passion handed down from generation to generation towards this sport which, more than a sport, represents a lifestyle.

The blood, the sweat, the dust in the eyes, animal and man dedicated to each other that merge becoming inseparable with a single goal ... winning.

© Alessio Pellicoro - Paolo VI's hippodrome, Taranto, Italy.

Paolo VI's hippodrome, Taranto, Italy.

© Alessio Pellicoro - Former office of the founder Mr. Donato Carelli.

Former office of the founder Mr. Donato Carelli.

© Alessio Pellicoro - Detail.


© Alessio Pellicoro - A funny and "realistic" statue.

A funny and "realistic" statue.

© Alessio Pellicoro - Stables of Paolo VI's hippodrome (Taranto, Italy).

Stables of Paolo VI's hippodrome (Taranto, Italy).

© Alessio Pellicoro - Horse coat.

Horse coat.

© Alessio Pellicoro - Training "sulky".

Training "sulky".

© Alessio Pellicoro - Morning shower.

Morning shower.

© Alessio Pellicoro - Peek on one of the various stables in the hippodrome.

Peek on one of the various stables in the hippodrome.

© Alessio Pellicoro - A just forged horseshoe.

A just forged horseshoe.

© Alessio Pellicoro - A stable worker ready for the daily training session. Every horse trains about three to fours hours a day on the racetrack.

A stable worker ready for the daily training session. Every horse trains about three to fours hours a day on the racetrack.

© Alessio Pellicoro - Daily check of the muscular and bones structure before the various competitions.

Daily check of the muscular and bones structure before the various competitions.

© Alessio Pellicoro - Identification numbers.

Identification numbers.

© Alessio Pellicoro - The horse's number on its back. It stands for his stable and to recognize it.

The horse's number on its back. It stands for his stable and to recognize it.

© Alessio Pellicoro - Injection of cardiac relaxation solution pre-race.

Injection of cardiac relaxation solution pre-race.

© Alessio Pellicoro - A particular detail of the horse's competition equipment.

A particular detail of the horse's competition equipment.

© Alessio Pellicoro - A jockey ready for the race night.

A jockey ready for the race night.

© Alessio Pellicoro - A jockey entering the track on sulky.

A jockey entering the track on sulky.

© Alessio Pellicoro - Fotofinish.


© Alessio Pellicoro - A relaxing shower for a tired horse after the race.

A relaxing shower for a tired horse after the race.

Run boy run by Alessio Pellicoro

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