Rocambolesco / Storm Before The Silence



Storm Before The Silence


Time is going fast these days. I don’t want to ‘freeze’ time with photography, I want to slow it down. Unlike slow motion in cinema, which is often used when there is action and drama in the scene, I’m attracted to more poetic moments. Moments of emotional freedom, of letting go.

Like when you dance and forget everything around you.

These moments are defined by little things, by details, rather than the big picture. The slow motion feel of my work aims to be suspended in time. It’s not part of a larger storyline, there is no setup, no evolution, no resolution. It is what it is, a moment. Suspended in time.

Zooming in, Fragmenting the moment.

I want it to be repetitive in the mind of the viewer. So this small moment of joy, of passion, becomes a stretched, eternity of permanent floating.

Rocambolesco / Storm Before The Silence by tine guns

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