Re: Release into the galaxy

We live in the same time and the same world, but we see and feel the world in different ways. It is the same with family members and lovers who are close to us. It may be that we each live in our own another worlds.

"Re: Release into the galaxy"

I published my photo book "Release into the galaxy" in the fall of 2022.

The concept of this work was a photo book found in another world, but recently I have been thinking about it.

We live in the same time and the same world, but we see and feel the world in different ways. (For example, Taylor Swift may be a god-like figure to some people, and an uninteresting object of interest to others). It is the same with family members and lovers who are close to us.

It may be that we each live in our own another worlds.

I have a feeling that the above will be the source of my undying curiosity from now on.

© Kenta Nakamura - This picture was taken during the curfew of the coronavirus pandemic, when the bed was brought into the hotel garden.

This picture was taken during the curfew of the coronavirus pandemic, when the bed was brought into the hotel garden.

© Kenta Nakamura - It was taken in the Buddhist room of my parents' house when my sister was getting married.

It was taken in the Buddhist room of my parents' house when my sister was getting married.

© Kenta Nakamura - Dried fish prepared by a French chef I know.

Dried fish prepared by a French chef I know.

© Kenta Nakamura - My own eyeball shown to me by the doctor when I visited the ophthalmologist.

My own eyeball shown to me by the doctor when I visited the ophthalmologist.

© Kenta Nakamura - My cat.

My cat.

© Kenta Nakamura - When settling the parking fee, the change was a large amount of coins.

When settling the parking fee, the change was a large amount of coins.

© Kenta Nakamura - Co-created with a flower arrangement artist.

Co-created with a flower arrangement artist.

© Kenta Nakamura - At karaoke snack bar.

At karaoke snack bar.

© Kenta Nakamura - A frog.

A frog.

© Kenta Nakamura - When I went back to my parents' house, a crab was used as a toothbrush rest.

When I went back to my parents' house, a crab was used as a toothbrush rest.

© Kenta Nakamura - At the sea of clouds that can be seen in Shimane Prefecture.

At the sea of clouds that can be seen in Shimane Prefecture.

© Kenta Nakamura - When photographing the welding operation, we asked them to hold a Noh mask.

When photographing the welding operation, we asked them to hold a Noh mask.

© Kenta Nakamura - Tissue placed in a snack bag.

Tissue placed in a snack bag.

© Kenta Nakamura - Keiko, another shot.

Keiko, another shot.

Re: Release into the galaxy by Kenta Nakamura

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