RE Project Nature Campaign

  • Dates
    2018 - Ongoing
  • Author
  • Locations Arles, Lucerne, Mexico, Bahia, Palm Springs, Bangkok, Spain

It’s time to re think our future, re build our relationship to the earth, re birth our true selves, re evaluate our approach to life, re member where we come from, re fresh our memories to re unite with nature. Time to re evaluate how we take care of each other and our environment. To re connect with where you are. here. now.

This campaign celebrates the irreplaceable, holy beauty of nature. It aims to bring awareness and a voice to that which cannot speak but which is our only life support.

It's time to Give a Fuck and to truly care.

Give a fuck is a collectif I am part of that bring awareness to people about climate issues

We are the Matterists.

Cause life matters.

Having grown up in the Swiss Alps, my passion remains; traveling and exploring nature across the globe. Spawned by my desire to understand our journey on this planet, I started a photo series documenting the vibrant theatre and surreal beauty of nature. These photographs aim to inspire viewers to rethink their relationship with the flora and fauna surrounding and supporting us as a specie. With a strong urge to share another approach to reality, a fascinated conversation with the world.

RE Project Nature Campaign by Pandora Graessl

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