
After I sat down and analyze my work, I figured out that all of my work is self-referencial and is based on my context and development in my youth. I work mainly three themes: memory, relationships and identity,

My identity has been a rollercoaster and I didn't know quite well, who I was in my teen years. I started to figure out who I was or wanted to be, when I started college. My college experienced is divided in two parts: me as an engineer and me as a photographer. In each part I have learned a lot of my capacity, my creativity and my spirit to help others. I believe that art can meet numbers and viceversa. I've come to a point where in each part, I need to put creativity and numbers. I am very pleased with the results I've accomplished and what is to come.

In this images I want to show what it has been in the past five years, my self discovery of me, as an artist in Costa Rica, in a place where art is still starting to develop, and it is up to my generation to make a cultural statement about photography as an art and as a way to express what words can't say.

I still have a lot to learn and experience, but I'm a much confident person than I was when I was 17 and graduated high school.

Pre-Con by Stephanie Boyer

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