perishable territories

  • Dates
    2014 - Ongoing
  • Author
  • Topics Daily Life, Fine Art

The days that go by are not suited to cataloguing. Pomegranates, grasshoppers, and dresses are. Time’s impetus is to move forward. Letting all the rest to perish. Without further ado, I would like to take part in all of the seasons. The unnecessary fascinates me. I dwell in everyday life.

The years don’t concern me as much as the days, for these fit in any crevice. In order to look for the secret places of time, I craft maps, I gather samples of my existence, I work with actions, I observe the accumulating of things, I collect the worthless, and I scrutinize everyday life, time and again.

From this investigation, the first images of Perishable Territories (Territórios Perecíveis) were born. At times a registry of my search for the days gone by; at others a collection of remains of a small slice of a life. Shreds of a mundane existence that, beyond understanding, invite us into narratives.

A piece of work that tries to find the unique shapes of time within the dialogue between photography, poetry, objects, and performance. Images that deny a linear disposition, that elect their own movement, and that ask to be arranged in a constellation which allows them to open into infinite pathways, multiple fictions, and mobile senses.

perishable territories by Lara Ovídio

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