
Ouroboros refers to the intertwined nature of the cosmos, between the largest planets down to us as individuals. This work considers our scientific interest in planetary knowledge, extraction, and observation.

Ouroboros, a term which refers to the intertwining makeup of the universe, sets the cosmos as a stage to locate the margins of our perceptual understanding. This work of photography and installation portrays a repetitive loop between looking towards outer-space and attempting to understand our planet. I pair images of people, scientific tools, and interiors, alongside images of abstracted landscapes of earth (or elsewhere). Grounded in an intense curiosity of outer-space, I interrogate the need for scientific ordering, challenging our need for control over our surroundings. These concepts of seeing, both near and far, can elicit fear, wonder, ownership, and future-building.

Through revealing an allure towards knowledge and order of the objects we intend on controlling; I explore the limits of our perception and understanding of the world in which we inhabit. Can these landscapes be truly seen or witnessed? How massive are they? The images, like our vision, are meant to obfuscate and confuse as much as they are meant to leave the viewer in awe. The work calls into question how we fashion the world around us based on the draw and intensity of outer-space and science-fiction; and I lead the viewer down a path of either uneasiness and dread, or a future built on living with a healthy, collective, and sensational environment.

Ouroboros by David Steinberg

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