• Dates
    2018 - Ongoing
  • Author
  • Topics Portrait, Contemporary Issues, Documentary
  • Location Concepción, Bolivia

Comprender los componentes de un retrato, ya sea humano o simbólico, como un encuentro entre la luz, el color y la forma para leer porciones de un universo que representa el entretejido de significados que dan nuevos sentidos a los adolescentes de La Chiquitanía, Bolivia.


"Oomo" significa "Arde" en el idioma nativo de La Chiquitanía, Bolivia, el besiro. La transición del adolescente se ve atravesado por elementos -internos y externos- que construyen su identidad. A través del retrato este proyecto busca que la luz y el color sean un puente que cree una analogía de la identidad que se va entretejiendo entre los y las jóvenes de una región con una gran beta colonial, pero que también van experimentando muchas sensaciones muy propias de esta etapa de la vida donde se descubren así mismos y pero también reconocen al otro.

Palpar a través de esta luz rojiza -tan característica de esta provincia- los elementos que generan un sentido de pertenencia y las nuevas sensaciones que son un reflejo de una identidad en construcción, donde se empieza a albergar lo nuevo, lo moderno, pero que también converge con esa huella de la colonia, todavía tan presente, en los pueblos de la región.

Comprender los componentes de un retrato, ya sea humano o simbólico, como un encuentro entre la luz, el color y la forma para leer porciones de un universo que representa el entretejido de significados que dan nuevos sentidos a los adolescentes.


"Oomo" means "Burn" in the native language of La Chiquitanía, Bolivia, the besiro. An adolescent's transition is crossed by elements - internal and external - that build their identity. Through portraiture, this project uses light and color as a bridge that creates an analogy of the identity that is woven between young people of a region with a great colonial beta, but who also experience their own sensations from this stage of life where they discover themselves and also recognize the other.

To feel through this reddish light - so characteristic of this province - the elements that generate a sense of belonging and the new sensations that are a reflection of an identity under construction, where the new, the modern, but also begin to be housed It converges with that trace of the colony, still so present, in the towns of the region.

Understand the components of a portrait, be it human or symbolic, as an encounter between light, color and form to read portions of a universe that represents the interweaving of meanings that give new meanings to adolescents.

© Andrés Yépez - Image from the OOMO photography project

Elements that are shaping the identity of young people of the present generation. Marks and forms that define each young Chiquitano. Sara has the name of her mother, Angela, tattooed on her arm. Concepción, Bolivia. Andrés Yépez 2018

© Andrés Yépez - Image from the OOMO photography project

Children and adolescents are the edge of identity Chiquitana and any people, which is constantly changing and means a metamorphosis in every woman and man. Concepción, Bolivia. Andrés Yépez 2018

© Andrés Yépez - Image from the OOMO photography project

The adolescent woman in full transition, on the way to being a Chiquitana woman. The changes are not only external or physical. Concepción, Bolivia. Andrés Yépez 2018

© Andrés Yépez - Image from the OOMO photography project

Identity is a natural element of the human being, which is generated from within, from its roots and grows, especially in adolescence. Concepción, Bolivia. Andrés Yépez 2018

© Andrés Yépez - Image from the OOMO photography project

The portrait is a means to see beyond the appearance. Chromatic self-representation. Concepción, Bolivia. Andrés Yépez 2018

© Andrés Yépez - Image from the OOMO photography project

The feeling of love and belonging, like romance, emerge in youth when they begin to be configured as people with a certain level of autonomy. Concepción, Bolivia. Andrés Yépez 2018

© Andrés Yépez - Image from the OOMO photography project

One of the most important elements in adolescence is the relationship that the adolescent has with his environment, whether natural or human. Concepción, Bolivia. Andrés Yépez 2018

© Andrés Yépez - OOMO means "burns" in native language from La Chiquitanía, Bolivia. Andrés Yépez 2018

OOMO means "burns" in native language from La Chiquitanía, Bolivia. Andrés Yépez 2018

© Andrés Yépez - Image from the OOMO photography project

The feminine, in its very particular transition, reinforces stereotypes that generally become definitive structures in the identity of each adolescent woman. Concepción, Bolivia. Andrés Yépez 2018

© Andrés Yépez - Image from the OOMO photography project

The light of Chiquitanía is a good analogy to explore the identity of its people, especially young people. Concepción, Bolivia. Andrés Yépez 2018

© Andrés Yépez - Image from the OOMO photography project

Understand identity as a shadow that changes its position, size, shape depending on the perspective that can be analyzed. Concepción, Bolivia. Andrés Yépez 2018

© Andrés Yépez - Image from the OOMO photography project

Understanding the identity from the history of a segment of the society of a people is a good approach to have an idea of how present is what it means to belong to a place and a human group. Concepción, Bolivia. Andrés Yépez 2018

OOMO by Andrés Yépez

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