My Father's Legs

  • Dates
    2017 - Ongoing
  • Author
  • Topics Daily Life, Studio, Documentary
  • Locations Berlin, Pula

Everything has started with my mother telling me that she fell in love with my father because of his beautiful legs. His obsession with tennis became mine. I’m photographing obsessively my partner’s legs in different tennis positions in our daily life mixed between concept art and art-as-therapy.

Everything has started with my mother telling me that she fell in love with my father because of his beautiful legs. His obsession with tennis became mine. I’m photographing obsessively my partner’s legs in different tennis positions in our daily life mixed between concept art and art-as-therapy.

This project will be published in April 2020 by J&L Books.

Curated and designed by Jason Fulford.

My Father's Legs by Sara Perovic

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