Moonlighting : traces and found objects

  • Dates
    2017 - Ongoing
  • Author
  • Topics Fine Art, Documentary, Studio
  • Location Berlin, Germany

Moonlighting by Youvalle Levy is a series-based, photographic work created within the confines of Levy’s side-job as a private cleaner in Berlin. Objects and spaces have been documented.

Moonlighting by Youvalle Levy is a series-based, photographic work created within the confines of Levy’s side-job as a private cleaner in Berlin. Objects and spaces have been documented, as though by a forensic investigator, with each item revealing a small glimpse into the lives of her clients.

Through different image styles, Levy delves into the private lives of her employers, but her discoveries are limited by what each person leaves out in the open; unaware of how much a small object reveals to an outsider.

In the style of forensic photography, objects are over exposed with an unforgiving flash, objects removed from their context are shown in vibrant clarity and degraded smartphone screen-shots invite the viewer into the relationship between Levy and her clients.

Levy photographs each item with the respect and understanding of an anthropologist, endeavouring to relay the delicacy and beauty in her subjects.

Moonlighting was shortlisted for the ‘Photographic Museum of Humanity’ Grant March of this year.

Moonlighting : traces and found objects by Youvalle Levy

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