Ministry of truth

Ministry of truth is about 7 different stories that deal with alternative narratives, urban myths, hoaxes, rumors, fake news, groupthink, and mass hysteria in modern India.

Ministry of truth is about 7 different stories that deal with alternative narratives, urban myths, hoaxes, rumors, fake news, groupthink, and mass hysteria in modern India. Every story for a short period either made round on Social media or gained the mass media’s attention and became social reality for that particular period, but was later termed as a lie, hoax, or fake news. The intention of the project is to undertake artistic research to explore the short lives of these narratives and how they impacted the lives of the people and shaped the social reality. Moreover, this project investigates photography's ambiguous relationship with the truth and if photography is competent as a tool to document these narratives.

© Ashutosh Shaktan - Chapter: Soothsayer and the golden treasure

Chapter: Soothsayer and the golden treasure

© Ashutosh Shaktan - Chapter: Soothsayer and the golden treasure

Chapter: Soothsayer and the golden treasure

© Ashutosh Shaktan - Chapter; The soothsayer and the golden treasure

Chapter; The soothsayer and the golden treasure

© Ashutosh Shaktan - Chapter: The soothsayer and the golden treasure

Chapter: The soothsayer and the golden treasure

© Ashutosh Shaktan - Chapter: The soothsayer and the golden treasure

Chapter: The soothsayer and the golden treasure

© Ashutosh Shaktan - Chapter: The soothsayer and the golden treasure

Chapter: The soothsayer and the golden treasure

© Ashutosh Shaktan - Chapter: The soothsayer and the golden treasure

Chapter: The soothsayer and the golden treasure

© Ashutosh Shaktan - Chapter: The soothsayer and the golden treasure

Chapter: The soothsayer and the golden treasure

© Ashutosh Shaktan - Chapter: The soothsayer and the golden treasure

Chapter: The soothsayer and the golden treasure

Ministry of truth by Ashutosh Shaktan

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