Mens way

Documentary essay about masculinity in classical dance and its social impact in Latin America

The exercise of classical dance in Occident has implied from the beginnings situations of vulnerability and exclusion, and has generated negative stereotypes towards men who look for a way of life in this discipline. The hegemonic precepts of what it means to be a man in Latin American culture tend to be decisive regarding the conception of ballet as art. In the twenty-first century, the male dancer has not yet managed to penetrate deeply into society, where machismo and its prejudices only admit and are proud of the practice of sports that, supported by the heteronorm, are considered "for men". Under this line of thinking, dance is usually associated with femininity. In this way, there are unequal conditions for ballet dancers, where on several occasions they are placed as a subordinate masculinity. This conception brings with it an endless number of social conflicts and individual suffering.

Mens way by Santiago Barreiro

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