Losing Turquoise

  • Dates
    2018 - Ongoing
  • Author
  • Topics Portrait, Daily Life, Fine Art
  • Locations Thessaloniki, Athens, London, Richmond

“A belief of the southwestern Indians was that turquoise could be used in order to protect the wearer from harm, to relieve him from worry and to bring happiness to him” (Duncan, 1968).

Turquoise gemstone is a hydrated phosphate of copper and aluminium. Its chemical composition, CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8•4(H2O), could vary in different specimens of the mineral and any change in it affects the colour, weight or hardness of the stone. Due to its changeable nature, it has been ideal for the creation of myths and superstitions around it since ancient times.

​“A belief of the southwestern Indians was that turquoise could be used in order to protect the wearer from harm, to relieve him from worry and to bring happiness to him” (Duncan, 1968).

Sometimes the outcome from several incidents that occurred over time, may lead to a state of re-evaluation of what once was considered to be important or crucial for one’s well-being. After the realisation that the “magic filters” did not work and the rough, “square” nature of previous beliefs was depriving oneself of the potential of other perspectives and possibilities, there comes an exponential decay of the safety that all these convictions were formerly providing. There is an internal struggle. The dreams are now “scratched”, and the reality is distorted. There is a world that is collapsing for a new one to be built. The ideals and stereotypes are now given their real dimensions. They are earthed, and this ends up in the loss of their prestige that they once had.

The space, where this process takes place, is opposed to the binary thinking that defines good/bad. The approach starts to be more subjective and experiential rather than positivistic. It is an indefinite space which, although it is based on facts, rejects rationality and, under a constant questioning, it allows the “negative” to transform into “positive” and vice versa.

© Ioustini Drakoulakou - Title: Turquoise

Title: Turquoise

© Ioustini Drakoulakou - Title: Trial and Error

Title: Trial and Error

© Ioustini Drakoulakou - Title: Transitions

Title: Transitions

© Ioustini Drakoulakou - Title: Fading

Title: Fading

© Ioustini Drakoulakou - Title: Restoration

Title: Restoration

© Ioustini Drakoulakou - Title: The motive

Title: The motive

© Ioustini Drakoulakou - Title: Haze

Title: Haze

© Ioustini Drakoulakou - Title: Turbulence

Title: Turbulence

© Ioustini Drakoulakou - Title: Uprooting

Title: Uprooting

© Ioustini Drakoulakou - Title: Needle-works

Title: Needle-works

© Ioustini Drakoulakou - Title: Expectations

Title: Expectations

© Ioustini Drakoulakou - Title: Injury

Title: Injury

© Ioustini Drakoulakou - Title: Consequences

Title: Consequences

© Ioustini Drakoulakou - Title: Redox

Title: Redox

© Ioustini Drakoulakou - Title: Once's gone

Title: Once's gone

© Ioustini Drakoulakou - Title: Still

Title: Still

© Ioustini Drakoulakou - Title: Best regards

Title: Best regards

© Ioustini Drakoulakou - Title: Regular Symptoms

Title: Regular Symptoms

© Ioustini Drakoulakou - Title: Snooze

Title: Snooze

© Ioustini Drakoulakou - Title: Regular Symptoms II

Title: Regular Symptoms II

Losing Turquoise by Ioustini Drakoulakou

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