Instant Tomorrow

  • Dates
    2013 - 2016
  • Author
  • Topics Daily Life, Contemporary Issues, Documentary

Photographed in the outskirts of Moscow, Instant Tomorrow invites the beholder to contemplate the consequences of the contemporary world.

Russian photographer Dmitry Lookianov finds his subjects in the high-rises of Moscow’s suburbs, mystifying the demystified surroundings. White and grey dominate, with pastel pinks and blues injecting a seemingly premeditated comfort. The human subjects – dispassionate and experienced consumers, inhabitants of the future – are engaged with various gadgets and machines, acting out a world of simulacra where problems such as ageing, illness, or death can be solved. We observe in them an expectation of sensations, or at least their belief that these magical objects will deliver such sensations. This illusion of control is at the root of Lookianov’s clinical and uncanny images.

Instant Tomorrow by Dmitry Lookianov

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