Hope & Love

I've met Svetlana for the first time in November 2015 at the "Death Courtyard" in a forgotten dark alley in Tel-Aviv.

I returned there time and again, not knowing who or what I would meet, life there has a different dynamic. Time passes in a different dimension, from one drug portion to the other, from day to day, from life to death.

Many of the street residents are drug addicts and engage in theft or

prostitution. They can choose a new way, but the choice is difficult and the

long-term persistence needed to succeed is even more difficult.

My relationship with Svetlana was not just around photography, we developed a personal closeness, although the camera enabled this, I was concerned with her well-being. Step by step, I help her to abandon drugs, start her new life.

Against all odds, a few years later, she found love, living a healthy and happy life, far away from that day I met her, I am so proud of her.

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