His Invisible Presence

Life is far too short. Until my father unexpectedly passed away, I never understood it. From the moment he fell ill until his passing, I was present for the entire event, observed it take place. Although he's passed, his presence is still felt everywhere.

  Life is fleeting, urging us to cherish each moment and prioritize our loved ones. We often squander our time on trivial matters, taking our dear ones for granted. Before it's too late, we must savor life's experiences and relationships because tomorrow is never guaranteed. The sudden loss of my father following a health checkup made me acutely aware of this. He had dreams of retirement, travel, and a peaceful life that remained unfulfilled. My personal experience of his passing has inspired my photo essay, "His Invisible Presence," which delves into the enduring impact of our loved ones even after they're gone.

      The project, influenced by 19th-century spirit photography, explores the persistent connection we feel with the departed. The "we" of shared experiences persists, creating a void when a loved one is gone. Coping with this loss varies among individuals, and art becomes a way to preserve memories and cope with grief. "His Invisible Presence" serves as a memorial and an avenue for connection, inviting viewers to reflect on their own losses and cherish their current relationships.

      This work was captured with a digital camera, using a blend of ambient and artificial light, including flash. The series focuses on my father's possessions, imbued with an "invisible presence" to maintain a sense of his continued existence. Subtle photography techniques encourage viewers to contemplate their own experiences and relationships. The goal is to elicit emotions and reflections on the significance of moments and connections. The series serves as a reminder to seize the present with loved ones.

His Invisible Presence by Natcha Wongchanglaw

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