He grew up in the fog

  • Dates
    2020 - 2020
  • Author
  • Topics Daily Life, Fine Art, Archive
  • Locations Morocco, United States, Italy, Iceland, South Africa

A surprising introspective journey in which past and present collide to become a track to follow in the future, where a reality that is sometimes perceived in an evanescent way is re-established.

A past, that I have not lived or that I do not remember but I know that there was,

has vanished into the darkness of memory, in a distant and fragmented manner.

Now I feel bewildered.

Important moments are missing,

I look for them in lucid dreams

where a reality, which now does not exist, is repaid with guilt.

A time that belonged to me, but that I did not want to know because it was granted to easy choices.

I make my own sense of guilt.

Images form a map to create connections,

search inputs that trigger an acceptance process for a continuous present.

A calm space to orient and rebuild.

That my absence, when I already thought I was capable, 

has become a habitual void.

Now I seem to understand, but I don't expect anything.

He grew up in the fog by Angelo Bonetti

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