Flower Sellers

Flower sellers photographed here present a macho look, they look up to Western male role models, but this is in opposition to their floristry craft, family lives or simple Earthly desires.

When I was a teenager I used to cross to the other sidewalk if I saw a man coming. Being a child I spent much time with my grandma who was frequently watching a Romanian 5 o’clock news program where horrendous crimes such as rapes and homicides were presented in detail and mostly committed by men. Listening to all this information at an early age made me avoid men in general until my very young adulthood. Growing up (now 25 years old) I decided to overcome my fear and talk to the most “fearsome” of them all: Romani (gypsy) men. By this choice I wanted to convince with my camera that there is another truth lying under this stereotypical image created by media about this ethnic group. What I found I believe that breaks a wall between feminine expectations and toxic performative masculinity influenced by blockbuster movies.

Lately this landmark place in Bucharest have been evacuated by the police due to political interests and taking advantage of the pandemic time. Being shops owned by Roma people, the Romanian population agreed to this abusive destruction reasoning with their stereotypical thinking.


© Denise Lobont - Flower seller's hand

Flower seller's hand

© Denise Lobont - Flower seller choses to post his photo adding two hearts emoticons

Flower seller choses to post his photo adding two hearts emoticons

© Denise Lobont - Flower market was full of flowers during the 8th of March 2020 when Romania celebrates Mother's day

Flower market was full of flowers during the 8th of March 2020 when Romania celebrates Mother's day

© Denise Lobont - Image from the Flower Sellers photography project

This posing specific to Renaissance painting evokes hidden meanings related to symbolism. One of the florists is half blind but possesses virtues as seeing the hidden meaning of flowers

© Denise Lobont - Flower seller fixing his car in front of the shop while selling flowers in the same time

Flower seller fixing his car in front of the shop while selling flowers in the same time

© Denise Lobont - Realatives as cousins or brothers of the sellers come by the market to help or to hang out

Realatives as cousins or brothers of the sellers come by the market to help or to hang out

© Denise Lobont - Different finial products or accessories used for the bouquets

Different finial products or accessories used for the bouquets

© Denise Lobont - 21 years old Nicolas in February 2020 selling flowers at his own shop

21 years old Nicolas in February 2020 selling flowers at his own shop

© Denise Lobont - Cousins taking a picture together

Cousins taking a picture together

© Denise Lobont - Flower market destroyed by local administration

Flower market destroyed by local administration

© Denise Lobont - The 8th of March

The 8th of March

© Denise Lobont - Statue of a national Romanian masculine symbol of power, Decebal.

Statue of a national Romanian masculine symbol of power, Decebal.

© Denise Lobont - Reminiscences of the market after being demolished

Reminiscences of the market after being demolished

Flower Sellers by Denise Lobont

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