Project : ELEmeNTS

Sometimes answers to the tangible issues and questions we possess may not be answered on the obvious top layer to perceive. It penetrates the mind, deeper than we might think. Certain separations, changes, rejections, migrations, voids cannot be satiated with just logic. I didn’t understand how to feel better among the whirlwind of life changes happening in my life, dealing with a loss along with migrating half way across the world, to a new land, where nothing was familiar to me, being separated from the land that has been everything to me. Before I was slowly losing sight from the contrast of things, I got a sweet distraction from above in the name of ‘Snow’. As someone who was seeing snow for the first time, for me it didn’t matter where I was, what I was doing or what next, I was filled up to the brim and disappeared along with the snow at the same time. Something so effortless could move mountains within you. That experience reminded no matter where I am, I am one with the elements, always in their power, whether I surrender to it, or fight it or relish it. No matter where I am, one with the elements, inside and out.

I have tried to depict that split second of answer that the elements of nature would bless with, to my moods and questions from deep within! Sometimes I loved it sometimes I hated it, other times I just lay beside it.

This also represents, at times we can be strangers to ourselves, struggling to find a connection between our choices and compromises. This intricate dance between our hopes and disappointment, flow and lack of energy, and the instances we feel victories and defeats within ourselves.

The elements embrace, entwine, impair and ultimately consume us whole. All our experiences are temporary and borrowed, how we integrate ourselves with elements of nature, time or emotions is an instantaneous decision we make. Whether we fight or surrender or merely exist is not entirely our decision alone, it’s the millions of years of collective consciousness bestowed upon us, and the millions of elements beyond our control directing the situations around us. We’re all different yet the same. Life force running and inter-connected through different bodies, ligaments, blood and blades of grass, trickling streams, through the thin rays of light escaping the blinds of the window. Does any of this even mean anything in the end? Can life be planned? Is there a purpose for existence?

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