Diario de ausencias

Diario de ausencias (diary of absences) brings together images generated in the last four years, depicting spaces and objects that evoke a sense of loss and trigger the absence-presence in my daily life.

The obsession with finding meaning in the enigma of life has led me to explore answers in the ordinary. Therefore, I began photographing spaces or objects of my daily life that caught my attention, as well as those that belonged to my family.

As I reviewed the images, I became aware of the absences and presences perceptible in each place and in each thing, reflecting an aura of nostalgia, a sense of loss, moments of loneliness. This observation made me think that inhabiting a space is a way to leave a trace of existence waiting to be seen or found. Through collages, pairs of photos and sequences, I think about how to measure an absence through the photographic means.

Diario de ausencias by Karla Guerrero

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