detritus heroes

Detritus Heroes project is a fictional story of African heroes who came together and formed a team of warriors to combat, create awareness and drive change around the issue plastic pollution on the African continent and the world.

The Detritus Heroes project is for all of us; you and I. It is about sustainability. It is about saving our planet. It is about plastic pollution. The Detritus Heroes project has been and will continue to be created with the sole purpose of creating awareness and educating people about plastic pollution. The Detritus Heroes project seeks to prompt questions and drive change around the issue of illegal dumping which contributes to the extreme amount of plastic pollution found on both land and in the sea.

© Jean Claude Nsabimana - Bahari – The fisherman

Bahari – The fisherman

© Jean Claude Nsabimana - Image from the detritus heroes photography project

Bahari – The fisherman Bahari - The Fisherman is also known as the protector of the sea. Bahari's duties are to clean the ocean and to protect the sea life. Bahari is seen in this image standing in the water carrying plastic trash collected from the sea. 80% of plastic found in the sea comes from land. It threatens and kills the sea life.

© Jean Claude Nsabimana - Image from the detritus heroes photography project

Team Tumaini Team Tumaini - The two heroes went on a recycling mission to find out whether recycling could be the permanent solution to the plastic pollution crisis. They found out that recycled plastic were again produced into new single use plastic products. The issues remain, we need to stop single use plastic production.

© Jean Claude Nsabimana - Image from the detritus heroes photography project

Kiberinka – The Beauty Queen Kiberinka is the beauty queen, a character set as an example of what we have become - total ignorant. We are surrounded by plastic trash but we careless, we carry on with our daily lives like it does not matter. Instead of being responsible, clean up our mess and protect our planet we act like it is not our concern. We sit and wait on our governments and other environmental organisations to clean up our mess. Let’s be responsible. Let’s save the world.

© Jean Claude Nsabimana - Image from the detritus heroes photography project

Dalili – The Symbol Dalili is another character set as an example of the current situation of our planet – trapped by plastic pollution. Although we recycle, reduce and reuse our plastic only few of us are doing it. The issue remains around ‘negligence’ and the continuing single use plastic production. It is about time we act together as one or we will perish together as fools.

© Jean Claude Nsabimana - Image from the detritus heroes photography project

Harambee – The Team Leader Harambee is the team leader, the man in charge, the pioneer of the whole plastic pollution operations. His duties are to manage the team, identifying the problems, setting up missions, and equipping his team with necessary tools needed to carry out the mission and make sure the mission carried out is successfully accomplished.

© Jean Claude Nsabimana - Image from the detritus heroes photography project

Imara – The Commander Imara is the commander in charge. His duties are to lead the team and carry out the missions as commanded by Harambee. He chooses wisely the best candidates for each tasks, gives them a mission to carry out and make sure the mission is accomplished successfully. His decisions making in choosing the best candidate for different tasks is what makes him the best leader and second in command.

© Jean Claude Nsabimana - Image from the detritus heroes photography project

Nuhu – The Rescuer Nuhu is the hero character sent to our rescue. His duty is to rescue the world from its own ruin. He is the symbol of break through if we were to act together as one and fight against plastic pollution. Together we can. Let’s save the world.

© Jean Claude Nsabimana - Image from the detritus heroes photography project

Kiburi – The Pride Kiburi is another character set as an example of who we are as humans – full of ourselves and ignorant. Cigarettes butts are the top polluters of the oceans, we smoke and party at our beach, leave all our waste laying around like someone else will clean it up . All this waste goes straight into our ocean. Let’s be responsible. Let’s save our planet.

© Jean Claude Nsabimana - Image from the detritus heroes photography project

Hodari – The Magnet Hodari is a hero character with a magnetic body that attracts all sorts of plastics. Everywhere he passes plastic follows him attaching to his magnetic body. He is the end to plastic pollution. He starts his mission by cleaning all plastics from the environment, then the cities, the oceans, and the whole world. Let’s be heroes. Let’s save our planet. It begins with you.

© Jean Claude Nsabimana - Image from the detritus heroes photography project

Hekima – The Wise Hekima - The Wise, also known as the investigator is one of the hero characters I created for my project " Detritus Heroes" - the heroes of trash. A project I created aiming to creating awareness and to drive change around the issue of illegal dumping which contributes to extreme amount of plastic pollution found on both land and in the sea. Hekima is seen in this image standing on the island of trash, raising his hand up holding a stick as a symbol of victory. He has finally found where the main problem lies; around illegal dumping and negligence.

© Jean Claude Nsabimana - Image from the detritus heroes photography project

The protest The Protest is a group of warriors who came together to protest against the urban life which contributes to the extreme amount of plastic pollution and climate change due to the fast life lived in the city; mass production and mass consumption, the use of single use plastic products, industrial waste and the use of non-renewable energy, carbon emissions, etc. In this image they are seen standing in the middle of the street protesting for their voices to be heard and hoping for a change.

detritus heroes by Jean Claude Nsabimana

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