Cycle of Womanhood

The core idea of my ongoing project is to show the metaphysical aspect of the universal female existence and the importance of facing transformation generated by pain, losses and obstacles.

In the series I present 12 determining feminine face of a woman that I discovered a connection with. I realized that understanding the archetypical motives is key to nurture the sense of unity within and beyond ourselves.

My objective is to build emotional bridges with my audience by using archetypical symbols that talk to us in our collective unconscious. Each inner woman in the series play a segment of a woman’s personality, and at the same time they serve as role models. As they depict current and relevant issues related to womanhood, my heroines draw attention to growing issues in our societies. Each character here gets injured or confronts with a segment of the identity. The whole entity develops through the loss as they try to process individual memories, experiences, and the female self. The narratives articulated around turning points are symbols of overcoming ourselves reaching a spiritual development and catharsis. The whole project is based on the tension between stillness and motion, the instant and the continuous; the characters are built around moments of transformation, the cycle of death and rebirth.

© Anna Tihanyi - The obsessed - Where water brought me

The obsessed - Where water brought me

© Anna Tihanyi - The obsessed - Transmission

The obsessed - Transmission

© Anna Tihanyi - The outlander - Roots

The outlander - Roots

© Anna Tihanyi - The outlander - Transmission

The outlander - Transmission

© Anna Tihanyi - The innocent - split

The innocent - split

© Anna Tihanyi - The lustful - Desire

The lustful - Desire

© Anna Tihanyi - The lustful - Transmission

The lustful - Transmission

© Anna Tihanyi - The homemaker - Triboluminescence

The homemaker - Triboluminescence

© Anna Tihanyi - The homemaker - Transmission

The homemaker - Transmission

Cycle of Womanhood by Anna Tihanyi

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