Call me Victoria

Call me Victoria is a visual archaeology that explores elements of memory, genealogy and exile. This investigation related to the consequences of my family’s migration from Italy to Marseille.

Call me Victoria is a visual archaeology that explores elements of memory, genealogy and exile. This investigation related to the consequences of my family’s migration from Italy to Marseille. I address issues of self definition, the discovery of my one’s own roots and the exploration of my memory traces and neuroses. Between reality and fiction: an investigation and a personal quest, on psychic and mystical levels, concerning my distant, evaporated, disappeared Italian origins, which I try to compose from fragments of stories of children of immigrants. With the help of a psycho-genealogist – a theory established by Alejandro Jodorowsky – I investigate out of focus and forgotten aspects of my family memory. This project is about emotional legacy; it’s about a ritual passage which has left its signs, its marks, for future generations to witness but never live again.

Why abandon our roots on the border?

Children of exile, what will be our heritage?

Appelez-moi Victoria was produced as part of Residence 1+2 Photography & Sciences.

Call me Victoria by Camille Carbonaro

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