Live to live, live to die. Leave to love, love to leave behind . Oh my sweet Cecropia : the city of dreams that fade. The city I was born in, the city I hate. The place that will always have my heart. As Cecrop is still the King, we still are his people.

We are all strangers.

This project was made after my broke up last December. It was like a diary for me. I had my mju camera all the time, so as a way of not experiencing my pain, I started taking photos of everyone I was meeting. I found in all those people a shelter from my thoughts and fears. As the pain was getting harder and harder, I was searching for more places, more peoples, more communications. Day after day, day after day until I could feel free again.

That period I had a feeling I was discovering a new city within my city.

I named it CECROPIA.

C E C R O P I A by odysseas tsompanoglou

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