And the Mountain said to Munzur: You, River of my Tears

  • Dates
    2014 - 2014
  • Author
  • Topics Social Issues, Documentary, War & Conflicts

‘You, River of my Tears’ is the story of Dersim, a remote mountainous area of Eastern Anatolia with the Munzur river and valley at its heart.

‘You, River of my Tears’ is the story of Dersim, a remote mountainous area of Eastern Anatolia with the Munzur river and valley at its heart. Dersim is the historical heartland of the Kurdish Alevis or Kızılbaş, a very heterodox religious group that has been oppressed and attacked throughout the past centuries and is still fighting for its heritage. The word ‘Dersim’ is closely connected to ‘genocide’ and ‘resistance’ for most Kurds and Alevis in Turkey. Continuous struggles against the state climaxed with the massacre of 1938, where ten thousand were killed by Turkish military. During the second half of the 20th century Dersim also became a melting pot of leftist political dissent and an important centre for several communist movements. Its mountains have served as a hideout for guerrilla groups since this time and still today the region has one of the highest concentrations of military presence in Turkey.


The Dersim people’s dissent is pitted against state manipulation of local ways of living. The building of new Mosques - not part of Alevi culture - and countless dam and mining projects throughout the region, especially at the Munzur river, have provoked new clashes and caused further alienation.

The project captures glimpses of a society which cultural and religious history, in its particular diversity and isolation, reveals itself not only in special prayers, rites, or structures of society today, but also in clear political actions for autonomy and equality of different social groups and for the support and development of its own identity.

© Miriam Stanke - White path seen out of the window of Dersim revolutionary Seyid Riza's granddaughter

White path seen out of the window of Dersim revolutionary Seyid Riza's granddaughter

© Miriam Stanke - Image from the And the Mountain said to Munzur: You, River of my Tears photography project

Little boy in in a Cem Evi (gathering house) which are used instead of mosques by Alevi people. Men and women are gathering and praying together.

© Miriam Stanke - Woman lying on the holy rocks of Düzgün Baba, which are said to heal back pains.

Woman lying on the holy rocks of Düzgün Baba, which are said to heal back pains.

© Miriam Stanke - Image from the And the Mountain said to Munzur: You, River of my Tears photography project

Slaughterer at the holy springs of Munzur after the sacrifizing of several goats. Families mostly gather on weekends at the springs to sacrifice and share their meals.

© Miriam Stanke - Preparing tea on a cast iron oven in a temporary guerrilla camp.

Preparing tea on a cast iron oven in a temporary guerrilla camp.

© Miriam Stanke - The mayor of a little village which will be flooded due to the Pembelik dam project, sits in front of his house

The mayor of a little village which will be flooded due to the Pembelik dam project, sits in front of his house

© Miriam Stanke - Mao flag put up by one of the operating guerrilla groups in and around Dersim

Mao flag put up by one of the operating guerrilla groups in and around Dersim

© Miriam Stanke - Little boy taking a rest while supporting his family by taking care of the cows and sheeps

Little boy taking a rest while supporting his family by taking care of the cows and sheeps

© Miriam Stanke - Image from the And the Mountain said to Munzur: You, River of my Tears photography project

Father playing with his daughter at the holy springs of Munzur. Families gather here mostly on weekends to sacrifice goats and share their food with others. The family came to sacrifice a goat for their ill son, who suffers from a genetic disorder.

© Miriam Stanke - Image from the And the Mountain said to Munzur: You, River of my Tears photography project

Picture of the boy Berkin Elvan who died in March 2014 after being injured during Gezi protests in Istanbul. Berkin became a symbol of resistance: ‘Berkin Elvan is immortal'

© Miriam Stanke - Couple dancing on the village square during the first of their three day wedding celebration.

Couple dancing on the village square during the first of their three day wedding celebration.

© Miriam Stanke - A woman and her dog in the mountain village Sorsvenk.

A woman and her dog in the mountain village Sorsvenk.

© Miriam Stanke - Information board in a PKK guerrilla camp.

Information board in a PKK guerrilla camp.

© Miriam Stanke - Horse of a nomad family waiting for watering.

Horse of a nomad family waiting for watering.

© Miriam Stanke - City walk, Dersim

City walk, Dersim

© Miriam Stanke - Halbori springs and rocks used to commit suicide to escape the genocide of 1937/38 on Alevi people

Halbori springs and rocks used to commit suicide to escape the genocide of 1937/38 on Alevi people

© Miriam Stanke - Woman leaving the region of Dersim by a ferry boat

Woman leaving the region of Dersim by a ferry boat

© Miriam Stanke - Munzur valley

Munzur valley

© Miriam Stanke - Two friends getting try after a bath in the Munzur river

Two friends getting try after a bath in the Munzur river

© Miriam Stanke - Munzur River

Munzur River

And the Mountain said to Munzur: You, River of my Tears by Miriam Stanke

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