The pandemic events really changed our lives and prospective. The entire world stopped for a while almost in the same moment for the first time.

The time of the first lockdown seems yesterday and, at the same time, so long ago.

During the lockdown and the first summer with Covid -19 I was having the sensation of living a dream.

It was really happening?

Summer to me was totally disconnected from reality, the lockdown was both infinite and so short, like dreams that seems to last an entire night but actually they last only a few seconds.

This project consists of photos of the same camera roll taken during the first italian total lockdown, in my parents house in Rome, the days after the end of lockdown and in Cilento (Campania) during a trip with some friends. They are all multiple exposures that represent a series of different moments, complex and non-linear, but above all random, that reflect the sensations experienced in that period.

I choose to call this series "Alla fine del sogno" (At the end of the dream) because of a song of an italian group called "I Cani" that I want to mention because where you steal you must also give:

"Eccomi, tutto diventa schiuma e torna dentro il mare/Here I am, everything becomes foam and back into the sea

Il bene ed il male, tutto torna nel mare/Good and evil, everything goes back to the sea

Sento che dimеntico il mio nome e tutto il mio passato/I feel that I forget my name and all my past

Quello chе sono stato non mi serve più a niente, non significa niente/What I've been is no longer of any use to me, it doesn't mean anything

Io non sono più io, io non sono più niente/I am no longer me, I am nothing anymore"

ALLA FINE DEL SOGNO by Susanna Durante

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