A man went up a hill, came down the pyramid

Imagine, that almost everything they teach us about the ancient history is wrong. These are words of a man, who claims that in Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina, he has discovered “the world’s oldest and tallest pyramid, built by an advanced ancient civilization” as well as man-made tunnels, which have a special, healing energy. Scientists have overwhelmingly refuted claims that there are pyramids in Visoko. In 2021 more than 130 000 people visited the place.

Some believe than talismans have special energy. Some believe that nothing happens by chance. The number of conspiracy theories seems to be in the rise.

The ability to believe is a unique pattern of humankind. But why do we feel such a need to believe in something? And even if it is a lie - does it matter at the end, if the believing itself gives us what we need - a hope, feeling of belonging, a purpose in life?

In the project "A man went up the hill, came down the pyramid" I follow the narrative of a self-proclaimed archeologist and founder of Bosnian pyramids.

© Justyna Górniak - Image from the A man went up a hill, came down the pyramid photography project

Title: Dig for ancient pyramid in Bosnia Lead: Archaeologists have begun digging for what they think might be a pyramid hidden beneath a hill in Bosnia. Saturday, 15 April 2006, BBC News

© Justyna Górniak - Image from the A man went up a hill, came down the pyramid photography project

"Anthropologist Dr.sci. Semir Osmanagic established a hypothesis about the pyramids and underground tunnels existence in April 2005 and started investigation. Huge network of underground tunnels, intersections, chambers and water accumulations was constructed under the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids. (...) Until then [the discovery], narrow entrance and one tunnel were considered a “natural cave”. Archaeological Park. Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation

© Justyna Górniak - Image from the A man went up a hill, came down the pyramid photography project

Title: Dig for ancient pyramid in Bosnia Lead: Archaeologists have begun digging for what they think might be a pyramid hidden beneath a hill in Bosnia. Saturday, 15 April 2006, BBC News

© Justyna Górniak - Image from the A man went up a hill, came down the pyramid photography project

"There is no negative radiations in the labyrinth: cosmic (Hartman’s, Curry’s, Schneider’s grids), natural radioactivity or negative energy from underground waters. Therefore, it represents one of the most secure locations on the Planet used for health protection." Archaeological Park. Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation

© Justyna Górniak - Image from the A man went up a hill, came down the pyramid photography project

"Persistently working, Foundation has proved the existence of complex labyrinth tens of kilometers long. Distance from the entrance to the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is 2,9 km." Archaeological Park. Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation

© Justyna Górniak - Image from the A man went up a hill, came down the pyramid photography project

Title: Modified stone with carved symbols Description: Carved symbols are proof of existence of writing Location: Prehistoric Underground Labyrinth Ravne Discovered: 2013 Archaeological Park. Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation

© Justyna Górniak - Image from the A man went up a hill, came down the pyramid photography project

Title: Tourists flock to Bosnian hills but experts mock amateur archaeologist's pyramid claims". Lead: Whether ancient man-made structures or natural formations, locals cash in Thursday, 5 Oct 2006 , The Guardian

© Justyna Górniak - Image from the A man went up a hill, came down the pyramid photography project

“Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids represents the biggest complex of pyramidal structures in the World. It consists of Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun (with its height of over 220 meters is bigger than Cheops Pyramid), Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon (190 meters), Pyramid of Bosnian Dragon (90 meters), Temple of Mother Earth and Pyramid of Love." Archaeological Park. Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation

© Justyna Górniak - Image from the A man went up a hill, came down the pyramid photography project

Title: Egyptologist backs Bosnian excavation Lead: An Egyptologist who investigated two hills in central Bosnia believed by some to be ancient pyramids has recommended that archaeological digs be carried out there. Sept. 14, 2006, NBC News

© Justyna Górniak - Title: Bosnian Pyramids: Great Discovery or Colossal Hoax? May 04, 2006, Live Science

Title: Bosnian Pyramids: Great Discovery or Colossal Hoax? May 04, 2006, Live Science

A man went up a hill, came down the pyramid by Justyna Górniak

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