a body spits out sun

“a body spits out the sun” is an edition of 150 handmade accordion book printed all in risograph, in black and white and color, using 6 inks. The book contains text and images revolving around ideas of dreaming, resting, and fantasy.

a body spits out sun began in the first months of the confinement produced by the pandemic. The images and text that belong to this project are born from the search for sleep and rest as a place of escape and fantasy. They are an expression of the desire to leave reality and the physical condition of the body to which the virus returned us. From the confinement, I had the feeling that my body was something that hurt and could easily fall apart. I began to make these images and write down my dreams as an act of resistance to the violence I was experiencing. The first photograph I took was in response to a dream I didn't want to forget and so, as if playing, I began to make more images. Then came other dreams, readings and motivations that fed this process. 

Faced with an adverse environment, the house as a refuge is the scenario where I permit myself to immerse myself in contemplation and, from that intimacy, to make an introspective work that revolves around the action of inhabiting: a space, a body, a dream, a nest. Physical and mental places become the border between what threatens and what takes care of. Through a playful and sensitive process, I create a series of photographs that go from the document to the experiment, to travel the boundaries between the self and the world. a body spits out sun alludes to the act of inhabiting in such a way that the lived house transcends the geometric space to integrate contemplation, imagination and dreaming.

The following is the text that is in the book:

Every night the same routine. Remove the tiredness, dismantle the restfulness, state of inaction, system of staying. Little by little I sink into the dark. I go through places of other times, geography challenges me, I move my eyes from one place to another. I invent new shapes, new colors and geometries. The earth is smaller, a body spits out the sun. The sky is red, the birds have already left. A mountain rests on fatigue. Something exists on the horizon, but boiling water with the scent of lavender comes out of my house. The roots have grown and I try to bring them to their original place, to give them a drink, but the light does not let me. Precious circles fall from the sky. The word imagine comes from forming a mental figure. Imagining is a human quality, also myth and legend. To make an image is to imagine. To imagine is to lie. I trace paths, I undo them again. I use time, I create a space. I fail in every attempt.

here is a link to a video of the book: https://vimeo.com/828028007

a body spits out sun by Ana Lía Orézzoli

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