Copenhagen Photo Festival

Copenhagen Photo Festival celebrates photography all over the capital for the 13th time, with a particular focus on ‘rewilding’ and Copenhagen as UNESCO’s World Capital of Architecture.


Copenhagen Photo Festival's program offers, in addition to all the photo exhibitions, everything from inspiring talks and investigative panel debates to thought-provoking films and workshops that focus on rewilding. The festival opens with a curated grand opening event on 1 June, while three time World Press Photo winner Mads Nissen rounds off the festival with the last talk of the year on 11 June and unveiling of next year’s theme.

Topical talks and panels examine art, photography and sustainable practices. In addition to presenting its visitors with contemporary photography, Copenhagen Photo Festival also wants to create a space for dialogue and inspiration through an extensive program of talks and panels.

Under this year's main theme of ‘rewilding’, the festival opens the doors to a series of panel debates in collaboration with FUTURES Photography, where sustainable art practices, art in public space and the importance of artificial intelligence for future photography and art are discussed. The panels include photographers exhibiting at the festival flanked by a number of guest speakers and experts.

Copenhagen Photo Festival by PhMuseum Admin

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