Der Greif - Guest Room: Varun Gupta

  • Deadline
    24 Aug 2023
  • Link
  • Entry fee
  • Topics Awards

Guest Room aims to spark collaboration. Varun Gupta, Director of the Chennai Photo Biennale in India, and Arpan Mukherjee, co-founder of Studio Goppo, a photography research studio, have developed the theme for the submissions: "Metamorphosis".


This open call invites artists to explore the theme of "Metamorphosis" within the realm of alternative photography. Submissions that embrace the ever-changing nature of materials, processes, and concepts and offer a unique lens to examine the digital representation of analogue images are encouraged.

Practical Info

This call is open to photographers and artists working with historical photographic practices that include but are not limited to cyanotype, salted paper, van dyke brown, gum arabic, gum oil, wet and dry plate collodion, silver gelatin processes, and other technology-based interventions.

Prizes include a 1.000€ Guest Room Scholarship and an online showcase on Der Greif.

Participants unable to contribute financially can send an email to to receive a fee waiver.

About Der Greif Guest Room

Guest Room is a monthly online exhibition with open submissions curated in real-time by personalities from the international photography scene. Der Greif is an award-winning organization for contemporary photography. It is print-publication, online-publication, curatorial team and joint project all at once. Der Greif connects the digital and the analogue, exploring and expanding the borders and limits of image-distribution and -reception in the digital era.

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Diane Meyer | Guest Room: Maurina Paulenka June/2023

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Chinky Shukla | Guest Room: Bindi Vora May/2023

Emma Sarpaniemi | Guest Room: Maurina Paulenka June/2023

Emma Sarpaniemi | Guest Room: Maurina Paulenka June/2023

Der Greif - Guest Room: Varun Gupta

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