Blind Spot

By Barbara Oettinger

The work consists of a series of 120 photographs, each 20 x 20 cm.

Individuals from different fields and of different ages are invited to write a confession on a piece of paper. When the person decides, he/she will take the paper to a photographic study and will proceed to modify it (tear into pieces, crumple, burn, bend, etc.) according to his/her convenience. In turn, they will be given the opportunity to choose the background colour of deposit the paper. After the ritual, the modified paper will be registered in the picture.

Through cathartic writing, emotions and thoughts are placed on a piece of paper to be forgotten. Thereby those who participate in this process take from their body the message the letters carry within, creating an external object (the letter) - part of their own existence (personal thoughts) - to find relief by destroying what he/she decided was no longer part of him/her.

The remains of paper have been accommodated on a specific disposition to be photographed. This procedure allows for the resignification of the content by appropriating the destroyed pieces arranged before the gaze of others.